39. Zachary Piester, Co-Founder and Chief Development Officer at Intrepid Ventures, Empowering Founders and Entrepreneurs To Build On Blockchain Technology

Crypto Titans Podcast - Interviews with Blockchain Industry Leaders, Cryptocurrency Insights and Trends for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, & Ripple show

Summary: Getting blockchain technology into meaningful use cases is the ticket to its adoption. But challenging this is the high bar of entry on the complex technological side. In today’s episode, Zachary Piester, Co-Founder and Chief Development Officer at Intrepid Ventures, explains how he is trying to empower founders and entrepreneurs who are not in the tech elite to be able to use blockchain technology in a way that is empowering for them. To learn more about Zachary or connect, check out: https://intrepid.ventures/ & https://blockchainstartups.global/ & https://tokendeck.io/ & https://metabase.network/