Necessary Blackness Ep. 29: Michael Imhotep Speaks About St. Louis Riots & Red Summer of 1919

Necessary Blackness Podcast show

Summary: <a href=""></a><br>  <br> In this episode of Necessary Blackness Podcast, Rahiem Shabazz sits down with Michael Imhotep (<a href="">The African History Network</a>). Michael Imhotep is a talk show host, researcher, lecturer and writer covering politics and pertinent issues facing Black America.<br> Michael Imhotep discusses African-American resistance in the era of Donald Trump, voters suppression, reparation and how elections have consequences. We also spoke with the historian, Michael Imhotep about the <a href="">St. Louis Riots of 1917</a> and the <a href="">Red Summer of 1919.</a><br> Marcus Garvey spoke out in anger against the lynching and beatings Blacks suffered at the hands of Whites. “This is a crime against the laws of humanity; it is a crime against the laws of the nation, it is a crime against Nature, and a crime against the God of all mankind.” He also believed that the entire riot was part of a larger conspiracy against African Americans who migrated North in search of a better life: “The whole thing, my friends, is a bloody farce, and that the police and soldiers did nothing to stem the murder thirst of the mob is a conspiracy on the part of the civil authorities to condone the acts of the white mob against Negroes.”<br>  <br>  <br>