The Segilola Salami Show – Monetisation Strategies for Authors

The Segilola Salami Show show

Summary: Monetisation strategies for authors<br> Today on The Segilola Salami Show, we discuss the impact free books are having on the publishing world as well as monetisation strategies an author (or anyone with a website) can employ to generate ongoing passive income. We also discuss the self published book Sidereus Nuncius by Ethan Howard. There are some freebies up for grabs, so listen to the end to find out more details.<br> Here’s a summary of what was said on the show:<br> When you are starting out as an author, unless you are extremely lucky, you won’t be able to quite your day job within a month of releasing your first book. In fact, there are loads of authors, several years later who are yet to make a decent income from their writing. Just keep writing. There are some things you can do that relates to you as an author to bring in some money that is not directly from the sales of your books. Here are my suggestions:<br> <br> * If you have to do one thing and one thing only, get an author website. If you don’t know why this is important, do a google search. There isn’t enough time on the show to go into it.<br> * Once you have your author website, make sure that it has a blog and you regularly post new articles to it. You can link your blog directly to your Goodreads page. You  can also link your blog to your twitter page. This way, you increase your chances of getting visitors to your blog.<br> * Once you get traffic to your website, then you can monetise it. You cannot monetise a website that no one sees.<br><br> Set up Google Adsense. It shows ads on the sides of your page and you get paid per impression CPM or per click. Check out the adsense page for more info. This is the most straightforward option.<br> * Another option is to have banner ads on your blog. This way, you can manually add the banners of the companies you want. With adsense, you have no control over this. However, with this method, you may have to approach companies and convince them to advertise with you.<br> * Regularly post videos on YouTube and monetise them. This is also quite straightforward to do. The main thing is to make sure you drive traffic to your videos. If no one views your videos, you don’t make any money.<br> * Join an affiliate program, for example Amazon. Post affiliate links to relevant products on your blog. Every time someone buys something via your link, you get a small commission.<br> <br> That’s it, these are my top monetisation strategies in may yield results in the short term. No matter than the return on each is small initially, when you combine all, you will see a cumulative effect.<br> But don’t just take my word for it, please do your own research. If you know of any other strategies that can give an author a payout in the short term, then please do leave a comment on my YouTube channel or via Facebook or Twitter or my blog. I would love to know them too.<br> The Segilola Salami show is hosted by Segilola Salami who is also an author and a self publishing strategist. She provides one to one support to aspiring authors to help them self publish their own books and make a success of it. Her latest book is called Yetunde: An Ode to My Mother <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> Part of the proceeds from the sales of this book goes towards helping UK Charity <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Jigsaw4u</a>.<br> The show is about books, books and more books but specifically self published books. The show is in the form of a round table discussion. We give tips to help self published authors then discuss an indie book (like a book club).<br> Or better still, think of it as a group of book lovers having virtual coffee discussing books. The aim of the show is to be entertaining but educative as we...