"'Just War Theory' vs. American Self-Defense" by Yaron Brook

The Objective Standard Podcast show

Summary: The Bush administration's pseudo-war is a self-sacrificial disaster. Nearly five years after President Bush declared "war on terrorism," victory is nowhere in sight. American soldiers continue to die in Iraq for no clear self-defense purpose, while enemy regimes such as Iran and Saudi Arabia continue to sponsor Islamic terrorism and spread anti-Americanism without fear of reprisal. The cause of America's continuing insecurity is not any practical inability to defeat our enemies---America can militarily crush any enemy it chooses---but our leaders' unwillingness to do what is necessary to defeat them. The only path to American security is real war, self-interested war, a war of genuine American self-defense. In this talk, Dr. Brook presents the principles of "Just War Theory," the altruistic theory guiding the Bush administration's so-called "War on Terrorism," and contrasts them with the principles of a proper, moral approach to American self-defense.