How to Run Your Own Business Staycation

Courage & Clarity show

Summary: <p>My secret’s out. There’s a practice from my corporate days that I stole. I think it’s so good, you should try it too!</p> <p>Companies hold retreats for their employees all the time. It’s a thing, right? Yet as entrepreneurs, it’s easy to think it’s too expensive, it’s a waste of time or it’s too indulgent.</p> <p>But what happens when you change your environment, focus on treating yourself and give you and your business the time and love it deserves? </p> <p>I’ve just wrapped up my own business staycation, and the response from my community was so strong, that this episode is devoted to sharing what exactly I was up to in my hotel room with my multi colored poster boards and markers!</p> <p>You’ll hear why it’s integral for, when and where it should happen and who should be involved.</p> <p>I also outline what exactly went down in mine, right down to the four poster boards I created: dreams, what’s working and what’s not, revenue goals and content plan.</p> <p>After this brainstorming session and a good night’s sleep, I woke up refreshed and ready to create my implementation plan. Out came my calendar and I plugged in how to best make my plans come to life.</p> <p>It’s normal to have a little voice in the back of your mind telling you this is a waste of time, that you don’t really need to have a business staycation. But that voice wants you to play safe, and knows that devoting time like this to your business is a chance to be bold and dream big. </p> <p>This is a chance to combine self-care with business strategy. If that’s not balancing the head and the heart of business, I don’t know what is!</p>