Ep.96 Developing Empowering Mindsets By Not Taking No For An Answer, with Shannon Willoughby

Your Life Of Impact with Brett Robbo show

Summary: Shannon Willoughby is a pilot, a very successful entrepreneur, a former elite athlete and an all-round genuine legend.<br> <br> Shannon played World Cup Rugby for the New Zealand Black Ferns, winning the World Cup title in 2006. She was also a member of the International Women’s leadership Forum in 2017 where she met and learned from the likes of Hillary Clinton.<br> <br> Her story is pretty phenomenal though, because these feats have come with their fare share of challenges and adversities that would’ve been enough for most of us to give up. <br> <br> Shannon’s attitude of never taking no for an answer is a powerful reminder to all of us that our reality is defined by the choices we make and the goals we set, not by the words that are spoken to us by our external influencers and not what has happened in our lives.<br> <br> In this episode we discuss:<br> <br> -       Why representing New Zealand at the top level still gives her goosebumps when thinking  about it.<br> <br> -       Why No doesn’t mean No, unless you let it!<br> <br> -       How not being scared of failure is a trait for success<br> <br> -       The powerful mindset shift that she created in hospital from “why me” to “how can I grow from this”.<br> <br> -       Why the greatest challenges and adversities have made her more determined to succeed and not les determined.<br> <br> -        How essential oils were a big part of her rehab success and why her passion for that industry has become her main business.<br> <br> -   How one particular product gets more attention than any other because it helps people beat anxiety and manage stress so well and how you can benefit from it too!<br> <br> Follow Shannon Online:<br> Website: aromarrr.co.nz <br> Instagram: @pilotchick<br> <br> <br> <br> If you're keen to learn more habits, tools and strategies to optimise your life, check our online program here: yourlifeofimpact.com/coaching<br> <br> <br> <br> Don't forget you can also join our private podcasting community Facebook group, where we share inspirational content and support and i'm on doing live Q&amp;A's and providing more value to the abundant community.<br> <br> Search the facebook groups section for "Your Life Of Impact Podcast Community".