CTS 146: Deploying Wi-Fi at Scale with Gurpreet Singh

Clear To Send: Wireless Network Engineering show

Summary: Gurpreet Singh shares his story of how he got started in Wi-Fi. He also explains how to approach a large Wi-Fi deployment.<br> Deploying Wi-Fi at Scale<br> Gurpreet deployed a new Wi-Fi infrastructure for a large food chain and shared his experience. We talk about what is different when deploying at a bigger scale.<br> Preparation is key<br> Here are a few things Gurpreet and his team did early on in the project:<br> <br> * Plan everything<br> * Spend time defining the solution through a Proof of Concept<br> * Test as many scenarios as you can<br> * Define the processes that will be used for the deployments by the different teams<br> * Train the team<br> * Plan everything<br> <br> Challenges<br> These large deployments come with some interesting challenges:<br> <br> * How do you do your Wi-Fi design?<br> * How do you choose your Wi-Fi configurations?<br> * How do you validate your installation?<br> <br> Listen to the episode to hear the full story!<br> You can get in touch with Gurpreet on Twitter <a href="https://twitter.com/newtowifi" rel="nofollow">https://newtowifi.com</a> or visit his blog <a href="https://newtowifi.com" rel="nofollow">https://newtowifi.com</a>.<br>