Tomorrow's World

Vince Tracy's Podcasts show

Summary: This week I thought we could talk about the future of the world.....starting with the arrival of electric cars....apparently according to the internet these will take over thus we will see the end of petrol stations and repair shops as we know them....the petrol engine has 20,000 separate parts...the electric engine has 20....and it can be removed and replaced quickly.....oil companies will struggle as will parts manufacturers. was the same with digital photography....there was a lot of doubt at the time when digital cameras came on the scene....who would have thought in 1998 that you would never take another photo on film ever again.....I remember Kodak trying to convince everyone that film was better quality than digital....then they went under....there is no omparison.....................the speed of modern technology is frightening.....when I first built my recording studio in 1980 everything went on to tape.....and you had to get it right....nowadys you can delete stuff and bring it back if you change your mind and you can move sections can literally make a record in your bedroom.....vinyl is making a bit of a comeback but I think it will only be temporary. .....The legal industry is due to take a fall according to the will be able to find all you need to know on solicitors and barristers will be unable to rip us off like they have been doing throughout history....similar to the medical profession as you can now virtually diagnose yourself on your it looks like we are in for a few changes. .......On the showbiz front I watched the Prince Charles celebration at The Palladium on TV...and I enjoyed it.....they should have more entertaining variety on instead of boring cookery programmes and rubbish reality shows with serious none celebs trying to make a name for themselves.......I'm having a problem with the computer so I'll send this to you now....and I'll try and send a bit more later........The Krankies phoned me up the other night ...they require a song for their panto in Glasgow...I'll tell you about it tomorro