Death Masks- Chapters 28, 29, & 30

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: I'm very happy to have reached this trio of chapters because it contains some of my favorite reveals and surprises in the book. And one of them RoShawn is still kind of confused about when we start recording, so we talk it out until it makes sense. <br>The main thing that we didn't see coming was that Father Vincent is actually a Denarian in disguise. The Denarian gives up his coin and uses the Mercy Loophole (TM) to get out of being executed by Sanya and Michael, and Harry CAN. NOT. HANDLE. IT. He actually gets into an altercation with Michael over it, and has to be reminded of exactly who the fuck he's dealing with. <br><br>Cassius is smug as hell throughout, until he's reminded that Harry is not a Knight Of The Cross, and thus not bound by the same rules. He's reminded with a baseball bat. It is satisfying. <br><br>Then Harry has to head over the duel with Paolo Ortega, and that goes about as well as you could expect, which is to say that Paolo cheats, everything spins wildly out of control, and a pack of vampires attacks while the Archive dispatches them with some well-placed Mordite.