Episode 63 – The Rigtionary

The Blue Envelope Podcast show

Summary: Happy new year! A new year means a fresh start, so you might notice some changes in this week's episode. For one, that cheesy, annoyingly-catchy into theme has been replaced by an equally cheesy and face-palmingly awful different intro tune! We also introduce a new, hopefully recurring feature called The Rigtionary. It's Neil's first feature, and one you'll have to listen to the end to hear. The main topic of discussion today is the recent banning of a number of judges over unofficial spoilers, a summary of which you can find here: http://apps.magicjudges.org/suspended.html The big announcement of the week is that, after a good 16 months, we've finally taken to begging for your money via Patreon. If you're unfamiliar with Patreon, it's a crowdfunding platform similar to Kickstarter and IndieGoGo. However, instead of asking for a 1-off big-number payment, it asks you to pledge a small amount every month. It's completely optional, you can opt out at any time, and you can choose the amount you pledge, but even if it's just a single dollar a month we'd be eternally grateful. It might not mean much to you, but it'll mean a whole lot to us. Our page is here: www.patreon.com/tbepodcast As always, you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel, or find us on Facebook and Twitter: www.youtube.com/channel/UCRN0xy2Q5wpGVn30Q_kqN_w www.facebook.com/tbepodcast www.twitter.com/tbepodcast Oh, and don't forget our sponsors, Magic Madhouse: www.magicmadhouse.co.uk Thanks, as always, for listening... and GIVE US YOUR MONEY. The Blue Envelope team x Music: http://www.purple-planet.com