When Game of Thrones Ends, Benioff and Weiss Star Wars Movies to Begin Production

Collider Jedi Council show

Summary: On today’s Jedi Council (November 8, 2018), Kristian Harloff, Ken Napzok, and Perri Nemiroff discuss the following: 1. David Benioff and D.B. Weiss start to work on their first Star Wars film immediately after Game of Thrones ends. 2. J.J. Abrams seeking record-shattering overall megadeal. 3. Richard E Grant tells Josh Horowitz on his Happy Sad Confused about how he came to be in Star Wars: Episode IX and what may have gotten him the job. 4. Did John Boyega tease that he might be using a lightsaber again in Star Wars: Episode IX? 5. Industrial Light & Magic opens TV division just in time for Disney’s new Star Wars show 6. Ashley Eckstein gives an update on what might be happening in Season 7 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. 7. Star Wars Resistance reveals an earlier Kylo Ren crime. 8. The panel reviews Star Wars #56, Star Wars Han Solo: Imperial Cadet 9. Twitter and Facebook Questions Follow Kristian: https://twitter.com/KristianHarloff Follow Ken: https://twitter.com/KenNapzok Follow Perri: https://twitter.com/PNemiroff