Prepositions of place Preposiciones de lugar (LESSON 11)

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Summary: Para escuchar la lección hacer click en el icono de play (el triángulo) y para ver todo la clase hacer click en leer mas / read more. Si desean bajar la clase a sus mpr players o reproductores hacer click en el link download que esta en el player y hacer click derecho y guardar vínculo <br> Welcome !!! In this lesson (lección 11)we will talk about more prepositions of place. Remember that we studied the prepositions of place in lesson “” Propositions of place <br> Clase muy sencilla pues veremos algunas prepociciones de lugar. Estudiaremos los siguientes next to, between, in front of, behind (in back of), across from, by (beside), under, below and above)<br> FIGURA # 1<br> <br> <br> Examples:<br> – Adam is next to Bob<br><br> – Bob is between Don and Adam,<br><br> -Don is in front of  Bob and Carla<br><br> – Carla is behind (in back of) Don<br> Figura # 2<br> <br> <br> Examples:<br> Anne is across from (opposite) Christa<br> FIGURA # 3<br> <br> <br> Example:<br> – The man is by (next to) the window<br> FIGURE # 4<br> <br> <br> Example:<br> – The Cat is under the table.<br><br> – The girl is under the tree.<br> FIGURA #5<br> <br> <br> Examples:<br> – A is above B and B is below A<br> ** NOTA: SIEMPRE SE DICE ON THE LEFT y ON THE RIGHT<br> Let’s Practice (FIGURA # 6)<br> <a href=""></a><br> <br> Exercices (oral) — IN AUDIO<br><br> <br> FIGURA #7<br> <br>  <br> Exercices<br> 1) The cat is ________ the table<br><br> 2) There’s a big tree ________ the house<br><br> 3) The plane if flying _______ the clouds<br><br> 4) She’s standing __________ the piano.<br><br> 5) The movie theater is _________ the right<br><br> 6) He’s sitting _________ the phone<br><br> 7) The calendar is __________ the clock<br><br> 8 ) The cabinet is ________ the sink.<br><br> 9) There are some shoes _________ the bed.<br><br> 10) The plant is _________ the piano.<br><br> 11) Paul is sitting _________ Anna.<br><br> 12) In Japan people drive ________ the left.<br> * Las respuestas estan en el audio<br> * FIGURAS Y EJERCICIOS DE GRAMMAR IN USE  (Cambridge) Grammar practice (LONGMAN)<br>