Como hablar por TELEFONO en INGLES – How to speak on the phone

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Summary: Curso de inglés en línea gratuito – “Como hablar por teléfono en inglés” CONVERSATION / SPEAKING #6<br> Welcome!<br><br> CLICK EN ICONO DE PLAY PARA ESCUCHAR LA CLASE<br><br> Today we are going to show you how to speak on the phone in english. We will review the most common phrases and suggest you ways to communicating better when you speak on the phone in English.<br> Hoy hablaremos de como hablar inglés por teléfono. Vamos a repasasar las frases mas comunes usadas y sugerir formas do como comunicarse mejor en inglés a la hora de realizar llamadas telefónicas<br> Talking on the phone<br> Answering the phone (Table #1) – Responder el teléfono<br> <br> <br> <br> Formal<br> Less Formal<br> <br> <br> Hello, Carlos speaking<br> Hi<br> <br> <br> Good morning, how may I help you?<br> Hello<br> <br> <br> <br>  Making contact / asking to talk to someone (Table #2) – Pedir hablar con alguien<br> <br> <br> <br> Formal<br> Less Formal<br> <br> <br> Could I speak to Carlos / Mr. Villanueva?<br> Can I speak to Gustavo?<br> <br> <br> I’d like to speak to Carlos.<br> Is Gustavo there?<br> <br> <br> <br>  Identifying yourself on the phone (Table #3) – Decir quien esta hablando<br> <br> <br> <br> Formal<br> Less Formal<br> <br> <br> My  name (this) is Brian<br> This is Brian<br> <br> <br> Brian speaking<br> ————————————————————-<br> <br> <br> <br>  Stating your purpose / the reason of calling – La razon de la llamada<br> This section is wide open.  Here are some common sentences:<br> Less formal:<br><br> –          I want to go to the mall.<br><br> –          Do you want to go to the cinema?<br><br> –          What are you doing? Let’s hang out.<br><br> –          There is a concert tonight. Do you want to go?<br><br> –          What are you going to do later?<br><br> –          I wanted to talk to you about the party.<br><br> –          Did you hear about what happened to Laura?<br><br> –          I heard you were sick. Are you feeling better?<br> Formal<br><br> –          I’m calling about (the meeting next Monday morning)<br><br> –          The reason I’m calling is about (the purchase of the house<br> <br> Other options –  otras opciones<br> Saying someone is not in / negative answers – decir que algien no esta<br><br> When we want to say that someone is not in his office or home we use the following phrase:<br><br> – I’m afraid (I’m sorry)he/she isn’t in his office (in a meeting/home/available/here/out)<br> Asking someone to leave a message – pedir a alguien que deje un mensaje o pedir dejar un mensaje<br><br> – Can I take (give him/her) a message? (tomar un mensaje) ——– Can I leave a message? (dejar un mensaje)<br><br> – Would you like to leave a message? (tomar mensaje)<br> Asking someone to wait a moment – pedir a alguien que espere<br><br> – Can/Could you hold?<br><br>  <br> Closing a conversation (Table #4) Cerrar una conversación<br> <br> <br> <br> Formal<br> Less Formal<br> <br> <br> Good, so I’ll see you on the 8th<br> I’ll talk to you later<br> <br> <br> That’s great. Goodbye<br> I have to go, Take care<br> <br> <br> It was a pleasure. Have a good day<br> Ok, keep in touch. Bye bye<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> CONVERSATION TRANSCRIPT – CONVERSACION ESCRITA (Actividad de “listening” al final del audio)<br> A)     Can I speak to Peter, please? This is John Griffiths.<br><br> B)      I’m sorry, he’s out at the moment. Can I take a message?<br><br> Yes, please.