How to Get Out of a Funk, Rut or Creative Standstill

Courage & Clarity show

Summary: <p>Feast or famine. The classic entrepreneurial problem. As a business owner you’ll no doubt have times when your energy (physical and creative) is low – and you start questioning it all. You’ll be scared that if you grant yourself a day in your pj’s watching This is Us on Netflix surrounded by crumpled up tissues – that somehow your business won’t survive.</p> <p>You built a business to have more time and freedom, but now taking a break is scary and it feels like you’ll never regain your momentum. </p> <p>How do I know all of this? Because I’ve been there. Not just last week – but this exact same time last year as well! October is a tricky month for me. After an interesting bout of déjà vu of a low energy, creativity lacking week, I’m sharing how to lean into a funk. Because as much as we always want to get “out” of it as quickly as possible, the only way out is through.</p> <p>The good news is if you take a step back and acknowledge your patterns, you can handle a much-needed break or a surprise funk with skill and ease instead of thinking your world and business is crashing and burning to an end. My greatest idea from last year, the 15 Minute Planner – even came from the tail end of a “funk”! </p> <p>The Clarity half of this episode includes four tips to navigate a break or funk:</p> <p><strong>1. Strategic Pause</strong><br> How to plan out a break on your calendar that makes sure you gain confidence in stepping away from your business knowing it will be there when you come back.</p> <p><strong>2. Ownership</strong><br> A necessary break in the flow of your business isn’t an excuse for a “woe is me” crisis. You’ve got to trust that you’ve got the creativity and skills to figure it out!</p> <p><strong>3. Trust</strong><br> Trust that “future you” can handle it and course correct. In order to give yourself and your business the space you need, you’ve got to believe this!</p> <p><strong>4. Cramming vs Resting</strong><br> Doubling your work so you can take a bit of time off isn’t a rest. It’s cramming. Instead, change the questions to – how do I work less? What can I Say no to? What ball can I drop? </p>