Eliminate Negative Self-Talk with Shauna Mackenzie Ep24

The Social Strategy Podcast: Online Business | Social Media Strategy | Networking | Vernon Ross show

Summary: <a title="Shauna Mackenzie" href="http://vernonross.com/24th" target="_blank"></a><br> <br> I don't deserve to be happy.  <br> I can't think of one thing I like about myself.<br> Have you ever said these things to yourself, or have you ever heard your friends say something like this?  You don't have to feel this way.<br> If you have children you never want to hear negative self-talk like this which is how I came across my next guest.   I saw a new Twitter peep show up in my timeline and like always I check out who they are and what makes them interesting.  In looking at Shauna's timeline I noticed a tweet about a video about a movement aptly named <a title="Stop The Madness Movement" href="http://www.bestkeptself.com/stopthemadness/" target="_blank">Stop the Madness</a>.<br> Stop the Madness is a movement that's working toward putting an end and limiting negative self-talk.  What was so moving about the video was it was all little girls saying these things that were very out of character for little children but very moving because you understand these messages can get to them in the ways we see ourselves and let our children hear us speaking to others about the way we feel.  Powerful stuff!<br> So with that I had to have my next guest Shauna Mackenzie on to share the story of how the video got created but also to share the details on how she but an amazing six figure business in impression management and image consulting.<br>  <br> Specifically we get into:<br> <br> * How Shauna realized what happens when you don't ask or recognize what your audience wants, and how to fix it.<br> * Why even though she was successful she rebranded her company<br> * When it's time to bring in a team to help you expand and grow your business<br> * How raising your prices and niching down can double your business.<br> * Eliminating the negative self-talk and how that can empower you.<br> * The importance of building a flexible brand.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Tweet This! <a title="Click here to tweet" href="http://ctt.ec/Uefc2" target="_blank">“Either you make it work or you don't, Not even a don't! You make it work!” http://vernonross.com/24th @rosspr via @MsShaunaMack  </a><br> <br> It's all about the Pivot<br> <br> For so many of us we tend to repeat the same answers to our customers over an over again.  Shauna got burned out and decided to create her own information product.  She priced it at a reasonable amount and emailed her very small and targeted email list.<br> Would you believe that even after a successful launch of her first product that her second product even though packed with valuable content that was growing her email list like crazy her second attempt at up leveling her product wasn't converting and was pretty much a horrible failure.  What's so great about this failure is that Shauna decided to not just give up but to pivot and really look at what her target audience was looking for.<br> You're going to have to listen to the podcast to hear the rest of the details from this amazing entrepreneur.<br> The Amazing Video We Talked About<br> <a title="Stop The Madness" href="http://www.bestkeptself.com/stopthemadness/" target="_blank"></a><br> Personal Thoughts<br> I hope you had a chance to watch the video because I think we have been presented with a great opportunity to affect change in the lives of our girls.  As a dad I can't tell you how many times I've seen the importance not give to girls sports in the school systems both public and private.  I've seen how the negative self-talk can really have an impact on us and on our girls.  <br> I believe this movement can make a difference if you and I start making an effort to get the word out about it. Please share the video or this post with as many people as you can.  I really think that someone will see it and it could change the way they see themselves or plant the seed that they can do better and be bette...