EP 031: Growth hacking for ecommerce: What it means and how to do it

Ecommerce Pulse show

Summary: <a style="float: left; margin: 0 15px 0 0;" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ecommerce-pulse-ecommerce/id661499303" target="_blank"></a>Is growth hacking just an overused buzzword or is it something you should be thinking about?  What is growth hacking, and what does it mean to small ecommerce businesses? Today I'll be talking about 3 key concepts of growth hacking, and I'll be sharing some real-world examples of ecommerce websites that use growth hacking to grow. My goal is for you to finish this episode with 2-3 specific actionable items that you can implement today to start growing your business using the concepts of growth hacking. A few of the items we'll be talking about in this episode include: What attributes of products lead them to spread organically How to use analytics to hone down your growth efforts on the most effective methods What a funnel is and what it means to you I'll also be sharing the key points of growth hacking that differentiate it from traditional marketing: Growth hacking incorporates built-in virality. Growth hacking relies heavily on analytics. Growth hacking focuses on an awareness of where the traffic is in today’s economy, and on placing yourself where you’re visible to that traffic To hear the episode, click play below or download in <a title="Ecommerce Pulse in iTunes" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ecommerce-pulse-ecommerce/id661499303" target="_blank">iTunes</a>. Links referenced during the show: <a title="Ultimate Guide to Dropshipping" href="https://ecommerce.shopify.com/guides/dropshipping">The Ultimate Guide to Dropshipping</a> <a title="The Definitive Guide to Growth Hacking" href="http://www.quicksprout.com/the-definitive-guide-to-growth-hacking/">The Definitive Guide to Growth Hacking</a> <a title="Diamond Candles" href="http://diamondcandles.com" target="_blank">Diamond Candles</a> - An example of an ecommerce site that uses a unique customer experience to build virality into their products. <a title="Moo" href="http://moo.com" target="_blank">Moo</a> - A business card store that uses a "pass-it-on" discount card to build virality into their products. <a href="http://airbnb.com">AirBnB</a> - A site that leveraged the user base of AirBnB to build their own traffic and users <a title="Google Analytics" href="http://google.com/analytics">Google Analytics</a> <a title="Kissmetrics" href="http://kissmetrics.com">Kissmetrics</a> <a title="How to Choose an Ecommerce Niche" href="http://ecommercepulse.com/how-to-choose-an-ecommerce-niche-free-five-day-course/">My free 5-day email course on how to choose an ecommerce niche</a> <a style="font-size: 1.17em;" title="Ecommerce Pulse - iTunes" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ecommerce-pulse-ecommerce/id661499303%20" target="_blank">Subscribe to Ecommerce Pulse in iTunes!</a>