EP 041: When should you give up on a business idea? And what should you do with it? A discussion with Shabbir Nooruddin

Ecommerce Pulse show

Summary: <a style="float: left; margin: 0 15px 0 0;" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ecommerce-pulse-ecommerce/id661499303" target="_blank"></a> Today I have my friend <a title="Bootstrapping Ecommerce" href="http://bootstrappingecommerce.com/">Shabbir Nooruddin</a> on the show again, and we’re talking about how to know when you should give up on your business idea--when to call it quits and move on to other projects. We’ll also be talking about what you can do with a website once you’ve made that decision to move on to bigger and better things. To hear the episode, click play below or download in <a title="Ecommerce Pulse in iTunes" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ecommerce-pulse-ecommerce/id661499303" target="_blank">iTunes</a>. Links referenced during the show: <a title="Business &amp; Bootstrapping" href="http://businessandbootstrapping.com/">The Business and Bootstrapping Podcast</a> <a title="Bootstrapping Ecommerce" href="http://bootstrappingecommerce.com/">Bootstrapping Ecommerce</a> <a href="http://bootstrappingecommerce.com/ecommerce-podcasts/">10 podcasts every online store owner should listen to</a> <a href="http://www.ducttapemarketing.com/">Duct Tape Marketing</a> <a href="http://backlinko.com/">Brian Dean, Backlinko</a> <a title="Ecommerce Pulse - iTunes" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ecommerce-pulse-ecommerce/id661499303%20" target="_blank">Subscribe to Ecommerce Pulse in iTunes!</a>