Leid Stories--While Team Trump Is In the Feds' Crosshairs, Team Clinton Seems to Have Gotten Some Big Breaks From Prosecutors--08.27.18

Leid Stories show

Summary: President Donald Trump and many of his chief aides, advisers and cohorts have reason to worry. Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, last Tuesday was found guilty of bank and tax fraud and hiding overseas bank accounts. He faces a second trial next month. Also last Tuesday, Trump's former personal lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen, in a plea agreement admitted to campaign finance violations and bank and tax fraud. The Manafort and Cohen charges grew out of a broader federal investigation into possible Russian interference in U.S. elections in 2016. Curiously, while Special Counsel Robert Muller's Russian-interference probe proceeds apace, the federal probe into Hillary Clinton's  contentious and ethically challenged tenure in office as secretary of state has gone dormant. Why? Dr. Jerome Corsi, author of several books and authoritative articles on politics and deep-state issues, offers his perspective on why Hillary Clinton continues to be shielded from prosecution. Later in the program, retired Wall Street banker turned anti-charity-fraud crusader Charles Ortel reports on the latest legal actions against The  Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, which Ortel calls "the largest inprosecuted charity fraud in history."