Own it Babe show

Summary: Hi there and welcome to the Own it Babe Podcast, or… the Own it Babe Show. I am actually not sure which of the two I will choose, so I might as well use both of them :) This project – my podcast – has been in the works for a very long time. I first started thinking about it back in spring and planned to launch at the end of May. But, for some reason, I kept pushing it further and further down on my goals for this year and now it’s November and I am just about to officially launch now. Needless to say, the longer you wait to do something, the more scared you get. Think about jumping down a cliff or jumping out of an airplane for a skydiving experience. I have done both of these things and both times, I waited wayyyyy too long to actually take the leap. The longer I stood up at that cliff and stared at my friends down in the water, as they were calling my name and telling me to jump, the more I felt like I was going to crap my pants… Once I jumped off the cliff and once my skydiving instructor finally convinced me to “just jump”, it was an incredible experience and I was ready to do it all over again. But these moments, right before, were the most terrifying. So, as I sit here, recording this quick trailer episode, I want to be real with you and say: There is SO many podcasts out there. Everyone and their mom have started a podcast, so I almost feel like it might be too late for me to actually make an impact. But, if I can reach just one person and maybe change their lives for the better with the content I will share in my podcast episodes, I have done the right thing. Here I am, standing at the edge of the cliff, ready to launch my show in the next couple of days. And I am ready to take the leap. xo, Rini (@ownitbabe)