3 Lessons my Eating Disorder taught me about creating more purpose and fulfillment in my life

Own it Babe show

Summary: I was shaking with nervousness as I submitted my Podcast to iTunes for review and publishing, but I did it! It’s published, finally! For the past few months, I have been busy with this new project of mine, because I want to make sure that I bring you the best value possible, while I hang out inside your ear buds as you clean the house, drive to work, walk your dog or any other time slots you dedicate to listening to podcasts. I simply cannot wait to hear your feedback about this show, because I have put my heart and soul into this project. In this first episode, I am diving deep into my history with food, how I started to diet and how this led to 12+ years of disordered eating and eating disorders, as well as the rock-bottom moment I had after my wedding that led me to finally choose recovery over deprivation. Some topics I talk about in this episode: *My body image growing up *My very first diet that snowballed into 12+ years of disordered eating *My “cleanse” and how it led me to develop anorexia and, later on, bulimia, exercise addiction, orthorexia and binge eating disorder *My rock-bottom moment and turning point in my life *Why I didn’t reach out for help sooner *My recovery journey and Top 3 Lessons I learned for developing a positive body image and heal my relationship with food Subscribe and Review on iTunes/Stitcher: By subscribing to this show, you will never miss an episode with me rolling solo, or with one of my amazing podcast guests that have so much knowledge, wisdom and value to share with you. If you want to perform a random act of kindness today (let’s be honest, we always feel good afterwards don’t we?), make sure you leave a quick review over on your podcast app. It takes a few seconds and I promise, as painful as it may seem to you, it will help other people find this show quicker and who knows, maybe they need a sign from the universe to finally take action and this show will inspire them to do that. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you were part of that? Thank you so much, I am so grateful for you! Links mentioned in this episode: Access my Free Work Books: https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies Your free intuitive eating starter pack: https://ownitbabe.ca/3-days-of-intuitive-eating/