Why the goal of weight loss can be harmful rather than helpful, with Dr. Claudia Felty

Own it Babe show

Summary: My first interview episode is with my dear friend Dr. Claudia T. Felty. You will absolutely love all the wisdom she has to share with us in this episode, because she is an expert at intuitive eating, a total nerd with all things nutrition science (these are her own words btw), and she's obsessed with teaching others how to reach their natural weight, whatever that may be, free from crazy meal plans or diets that take over your life. She is also a dessert loving dietician, educator, and dog mom, which you all know that I am a dog mom too, so needless to say we bond over our shared love for dogs all the time. You will walk away with so many amazing lessons today on Health At Every Size, Intuitive Eating, why dieting causes long-term damage to our health and our metabolism, what the transition from dieting to intuitive eating looks like, as well as a chat about body positivity and what it means for our society today. Just a quick heads up that there will be about a minute in this episode, where we talk about calories in terms of numbers and I left these specific numbers in there because we talked about the scientific research of a slower metabolism due to food restriction. I thought it is important to understand the concept of why eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes, but if you feel triggered by specific numbers, I definitely recommend skipping minute 17. Topics in this episode: *Claudia shares her story with body image and food struggles, as well as her 20-year history with eating disorders. *We talk about how she started her career as a dietician with a “classic” diet approach and why she transitioned into a health at every size and intuitive eating approach with herself and her clients. *She breaks down the meaning of the term Health At Every Size as well as the research behind it that proves how illness and disease happen equally in people of all shapes and sizes (not just people in larger bodies). *Claudia shares her advice for anyone that wants to lose weight for “health reasons” and why dieting and restriction increases stress levels in our bodies, which can lead to worse health outcomes down the road than staying at your current weight while eating intuitively. *We talk about why diets fail and why you should break up with your scale today and you’re going to love what she has to say about that. *Finally, we talk about our favorite part about our recent trip to New York back in September especially when it comes to food I know you will resonate with all of this so much, so listen in and get inspired :) Review and subscribe on iTunes/Stitcher: By subscribing to this show, you will never miss an episode with me, rolling solo, or with one of my amazing podcast guests that have so much knowledge, wisdom and value to share with you. If you want to perform a random act of kindness today (let’s be honest, we always feel good afterwards don’t we?), make sure you leave a quick review over on your podcast app. It takes a few seconds and I promise, as insignificant as it may seem to you, it will help other people find this show quicker and who knows, maybe they need a sign from the universe to finally take action and this show will inspire them to do that. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you were part of that? Thank you so much, I am so grateful for you! Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Claudia’s Blog: http://claudiatfelty.com Claudia’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drclaudiatfelty/ Health and Every Size®: https://haescommunity.com Poodle science video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H89QQfXtc-k