112 - Ethan Indigo Smith | Meditative Movement & The Matrix of Four

InnerVerse show

Summary: <p>The author Ethan Indigo Smith returns to IP to discuss his book <em>The Matrix of Four</em>. Join us for a rousing conversation about the spiritual significance of four and the path of the righteous rebel. Guaranteed to get your chi flowing!</p><p><br></p><h3><strong>MORE ETHAN INDIGO SMITH</strong></h3><ul> <li><a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/4-5-flowing-with-17098989" target="_blank">IP EPISODE 4.5 - FLOWING WITH THE FLOW</a></li> <li> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Matrix-Four-Philosophy-Duality-Polarity-ebook/dp/B006R9Z1V6" target="_blank">READ <em>THE MATRIX OF FOUR</em> - AMAZON </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/108Zone/" target="_blank">Facebook</a> | <a href="https://twitter.com/EthanIndigo" target="_blank">Twitter </a>| <a href="https://www.instagram.com/ethanindigo/" target="_blank">Instagram </a>| <a href="https://www.minds.com/EthanIndigo" target="_blank">Minds</a> </li> <li>And you can also check out his <a href="https://wakeup-world.com/category/contributing-writers/ethan-indigo-smith/http://" target="_blank">blog at Wake Up World</a> </li> </ul><h3><br></h3><p><strong>Become an InnerVerse Plus+ Member</strong></p><ul> <li>Join at <a href="patreon.com/innerverse" target="_blank"><strong>patreon.com/innerverse</strong></a> </li> <li>Unlock a private feed with extended episodes - get early release access and an extra hour each week!</li> <li>Support your favorite podcast - funded exclusively by listeners (<em>Did you notice there are no ads?</em>)</li> </ul><h3><br></h3><h3><strong>Episode Topics</strong></h3><ul> <li>The basics of the matrix of four - thesis, antithesis, synthesis, <strong>nullesis</strong> </li> <li>Deep breakdown of the Taiji, or <strong>"Grand Ultimate"</strong> a.k.a. the yin and yang</li> <li>Maintaining individual <strong>principles </strong>in a dogmatic &amp; chaotic world</li> <li>The worldwide spiritual <strong>significance of four</strong> </li> <li>Developing the <strong>unknown knowledge</strong> within</li> <li>Don't kill the ego,<strong> root the ego</strong> in awareness</li> <li>Learning about the <strong>power of opposites</strong> with Ganesh</li> <li>Using the <strong>Matrix of Four</strong> to sharpen your Occam's Razor</li> <li>Why it's good to try and be graceful and <strong>"stop the plop"</strong> </li> <li>The wisdom of sustained <strong>70% effort</strong> in all areas of life</li> </ul><p><br></p><p><br></p><h3> <strong>Only In The Plus+ Extension (</strong><a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/112-ethan-indigo-22414928" target="_blank"><strong>Check it out!</strong></a><strong>)</strong> </h3><ul> <li>Plato's <strong>Allegory of the Cave</strong> and what it teaches about how people process information</li> <li>Saying No and the power of the <strong>Sacred Masculine </strong>within ourselves</li> <li>The story of <strong>Miyamoto Musashi</strong>, swordsman and philosopher</li> <li>Activating your own <strong>placebo power </strong>through meditative movement like Tai Chi and Qi Gong</li> <li>Experiencing the <strong>chills of signification </strong>when perceiving divine order in the cosmos</li> <li> <strong>Visionary experiences </strong>and the 8th lesson of natural law, which is care</li> <li>Buddha's <strong>Four Immeasurables</strong> &amp; the 70's sci-fi show The Prisoner</li> <li> <strong>1984 </strong>and how media causes us to think in cliches</li> <li>Maintaining the <strong>beginners mind </strong>and always asking questions</li> </ul><h1><br></h1><h1>Music In This Episode - <a href="https://www.soundcloud.com/livinglight" target="_blank">Living Light</a> </h1><p><br></p><br><hr><p style="color:grey;font-size:0.75em;"> See <a style="color:grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://acast.com/privacy">acast.com/privacy</a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>