#19: Talking Late Night featuring guest Jeff Justice, seasoned stand-up teacher and stand-up comedian

Talking Late Night show

Summary: On this episode of Talking Late Night, Max chats with former stand-up comedian and long-time stand-up teacher Jeff Justice. Jeff got involved with stand-up comedy in 1981. From there, his career took off. He had the opportunity to appear all over the United States and also performed on multiple national television shows as well. In 1991, Jeff was sitting in a comedy club watching young comedians performed. Once the show was over, he approached them and gave some advice for their sets. He found that those who took his advice got bigger laughs. From there, his comedy teaching career was born. Since then, Jeff has had thousands of students take his class and many have continued on to become professional stand-up comedians. In addition to teaching, Jeff also does speaking engagements and corporate training and has been invited by businesses to speak all over the world. Interested in Jeff for your corporation? Visit his website by clicking here. Interested in learning and performing stand-up? Visit Jeff's comedy class website by clicking here! You can also like Jeff's Facebook and follow him on Twitter. Thank you for tuning in! Be sure to like and share our Facebook page here, and also rate and leave us a review on iTunes!