City of the Dead: Let’s talk about death in New Orleans -- and specifically, St. Louis Cemetery No. 1

Voodoo City show

Summary: In this inaugural episode, we talk to Mary Lacoste, a local tour guide and published expert on New Orleans’ above-ground cemeteries -- often referred to as “Cities of the Dead” because of the remarkable architecture on display -- about such topics as how the crypts work and why New Orleanians don’t just bury their dead in the ground. From there, we dive into a few snatches of local lore, such as the myths surrounding voodoo priestess Marie Laveau’s tomb (including one involving the punk band the Misfits, members of which were arrested around Halloween 1982, spawning a rumor that they had been caught trying to rob her grave), and the details behind a famous “Easy Rider” scene shot in that same cemetery. Thank you to Lee Roservere for creating “Awkward Silences” used in this episode