Too Much Texting Lowers Attraction

Coach Corey Wayne show

Summary: Why you should never fall into the trap of constantly chit chatting and texting with women you are dating, or you will dramatically increase your chances of texting them right out of your life. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer whose wife of twenty years passed away a couple of years ago. He started doing online dating and initially, most of the women he started dating seemed way too eager, and he really wasn’t that interested. However, a month ago he met a woman online who he really liked and connected with. Since he had been in sales most of his life, he already knew to ask the kind of questions that she would enjoy answering and being a great listener. This basically allowed her to close the deal. On their first date, after dinner she invited him over to her place. They ended up spending the whole weekend together, and things were really hot. Over the next few weeks, they were constantly texting and hooking up. However, she eventually became cold and started ignoring his texts. Then he found my work and completely changed his approach. He shares what he did and said to turn things around. --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>