Episode-87- TSP Rewind – Peter Hartman on Winter Gardening

The Survival Podcast show

Summary: TweetToday is an episode of TSP Rewind, commercial free versions of past podcast episodes. Today’s episode was originally and was originally Episode-1201- Peter Hartman on Winter Gardening and was first published on September 5, 2013. The following are the original show notes from that episode. Peter Hartman is a long time listener to the show, so long in fact that he has been listening since the “Jetta Days”. Today he joins us to discuss winter gardening with some really interesting concepts. We discuss making cold frames, low tunnels and green houses. We also get into the concept that often winter gardening is about getting plants to or very close to size by winter and from there it is more like a form of “live storage”. Join Us Today as We Discuss… Equipment specific to the winter garden What species do best in winter What species to avoid in winter When to start planting for winter How much work goes into winter gardens vs. spring, fall and summer What specific problems are there with winter gardens What resources are available to learn more about winter gardening Resources for today’s show… Members Support Brigade Join Our Forum Walking To Freedom OneSojourner.com Price Pottenger Foundation – (The official organization that has continued Dr. Price’s work) Price Pottenger Foundation Dietary Guidelines – Note; “Animal proteins from pastured animals: poultry, beef, lamb, game, organ meats, eggs; wild fish and seafood.” The Year 1201 Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air. Also remember we have an expert council you can address your calls to. If you do this you should email me right after your call at jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with expert council call in the subject line. In the body of your email tell me that you just called in a question for the council and what number you called in from. I will then give the call priority when I screen calls. Join the MSB Today Want Every Episode of TSP Ever Produced? Remember in addition to discounts to over 40 vendors who supply stuff you are likely buying anyway, tons of free ebooks and video content, MSB Members also get every edition of The Survival Podcast ever produced in convenient zip files in blocks of 24. More info on the MSB can be found here.