EP0078: Green Lanterns, Volume 5: Out of Time (Review)

Podcast – The Classy Comics Podcast show

Summary: <br> Jessica and Simon have to go back in time to train the very first Green Lanterns to save the Universe.<br> Affiliate link included.<br> Transcript below:<br> Graham Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz have to train the first Green Lanterns ten billion years ago. Find out more as we check out Green Lanterns Vol. 5: Out of Time, straight ahead<br> <br> [Intro Music]<br> Announcer: Welcome to the Classy Comics podcast where we search for the best comics in the universe. From Boise Idaho, here is your host Adam Graham. <br> Graham: At the end of the previous Green Lantern book, after her Jessica Cruise had gone through her training, or basic and Simon had gone through some more advanced training, the two Green Lanterns had been led to the vault of Shadows by Volthoom, the First Lantern disguised as Remi, a former guardian. Volthoom was revealed and they ended up spiraling out of control and this book picks up right where they left off. Volume 5, Out of Time, collects issues 27 to 32 of Green Lanterns and it begins with Jessica and Simon crashing onto a strange planet that’s full of monsters. Because of the fight with Volthoom, Simon’s ring has been destroyed and the shards embedded in his arm and thus, he has no ring to manipulate. Although, he still has something called the Emerald vision, which helps him figure out some of what’s going on later on but it’s really up to Jessica and they are encountering all these strange creatures and they go into the surface of the planet and they discover the Life Entity, which in the Green Lantern’s mythology was supposed to exist at the beginning of time and they found out that they were on Earth ten billion years ago and at this point, the First Lantern start to arrive and we’ve seen a lot of the First Lanterns in the previous volume.<br> They were being revealed and the final ones were shown in issues in this book and there’s a wide variety of Lanterns There are some great colors and forms. There’s one that’s plant based, there’s one that’s AI based, there’s one that’s hairy and there’s actually a Krytonian amongst them called Jan-Al. Now, you’re probably thinking what I was thinking that this might be an interesting tie in between Superman and the Green Lanterns, if, maybe somebody who was related to Superman was one of the first Lanterns. However, I don’t think it turned out that way. The rings are given to these First Lanterns but they’re told that because of the threat of Volthoom, they were sent out untested and without any safeguards and Jessica offers to train these first Lanterns but they are very resistant and they’re fighting among each other using their rings. And then that’s when Jan-Al really runs into problems.<br> Her willpower starts to spike and because there are no safeguards, it can’t be controlled. It goes over 100% over 500% and then she explodes and at that point, people are a lot more open to being trained and this is actually a good story for Simon dealing with a seeming lack of power and trying to find the power within and the strength he has as a person that made him someone who was chosen to bear the Green Lantern ring rather than relying on the instrumentation. I also did like the fact that he was annoyed at Batman because Batman talked him into giving up his gun several books ago. Though, I will say there’s a lack of logic because given the sort of monsters they’re dealing with, a revolver or, I think it might have been a 45, wasn’t going to do him a whole lot of good. <br> Jessica really has to step up in this book. She started out as someone who had suffered with a lot of anxiety and a lack of confidence in who she was and she just completed training herself and she has to carry the weight through most of the story in terms of making constructs and being able to actually use the ring and also ha...