Jason Interviews Author Carley Mattimore, MS, LCPC

Jason Zuk, The Social Psychic Radio Show and Podcast show

Summary: Jason Interviews Special Guest Carley Mattimore about her book, Sacred Messengers of Shamanic Africa: Teachings from Zep Tepi, the Land of First Time.   Carley Mattimore, MS, LCPC, is a shamanic psychotherapist with 30 years’ experience as well as a therapeutic energy worker.  She has traveled to Timbavati, South Africa, and Zimbabwe several times.  She teaches shamanic workshops at the Aahara Spiritual Community in Springfield, Illinois.    Sacred Messengers reveals the wisdom and love of the White Lions of Timbavati, who have returned to help us remember our divine origins and it also explores how to reconnect to our original roots in Africa hidden deep within our DNA and remember our sacred contract to guard and protect the natural world.    Mattimore and Wolf offer shamanic journeys to connect with African power animals as well as the energetic hologram of the 31st meridian, the spine of Mother Earth.    Our spiritual warrior selves are being summoned to heal the separation between us and nature, to be the change agents of heart, as we evolve to a higher consciousness.  Carley Mattimore and Linda Star Wolf take you on a journey to connect with our original roots in Africa, hidden deep within our DNA. They share shamanic journeys and teachings to connect with the strengths of Africa’s spirit animals, including the inner authority and heart of Lion, the loyalty and wisdom of Elephant, the love and compassion of Giraffe, and the shadow side of Hyena. They explore the power of shamanic sacred sites and offer teachings on the African Tree of Life and the energetic hologram of the 31st meridian.    Offering a guide to reconnect with the ancient African wisdom of love and higher consciousness buried in our cellular memory, the authors show how we can help reopen the heart of humanity and heal the world around us.