WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™ | Evolution of a CEO: Divya Gugnani, CEO & Founder, Wander Beauty


Summary: Hours after the birth of her daughter, Divya Gugnani, CEO and Founder of Wander Beauty, was already asking her husband if he’d be okay with one more. “One more baby?!” he asked, incredulous. Her response? “No, one more company!” Said like a true serial entrepreneur. Formerly an investment banker, she’s successfully founded four companies in three widely different sectors. And like human babies, those businesses have had their special quirks and needs, shaping her leadership style along the way. In this episode, she tells us how time and experience evolved her CEO game, what keeps her going back for more of that #startuplife, and why she runs her beauty team not unlike a sports team. @wherebrainsmeetbeautypodcast wherebrainsmeetbeauty.com