BBC, Social Media and John Cleese!

Vince Tracy's Podcasts show

Summary: What did I say last week about making John Cleese Prime Minister?....would you believe he was on the morning news the next day saying he was leaving the country because he was sick of the corruption in the government and the press...they asked him if he was going to America and he burst out laughing ....... ..SO the BBC are bringing out a training manual to teach the reporters how to handle those involved.... .Social media seems to be the answer to all those who love to moan about everything yet do answer when I have a problem with an item is to cease buying it or anything made by its manufacturer.... David Beckham has hit the headlines....he was caught doing 60mph in a 40 limit....and his "loophole" solicitor got him off because the summons was sent out late....creating headlines like "Bend the law like Beckham"....and he has announced "he was relieved".......... On the entertainment scene....I believe The Eagles are going on tour again...they must be running out of money...I have been a fan for many years but I now find them a bit samey.....I liked the line up with Don Henley...Glen Frey...joe Walsh...Tim Scmitt and Don Felder....however when they kicked Felder out I thought his replacement was good but NOT right.............I always prefer dramas with reasonably unknown faces....makes it more realistic.. I have just heard that Liverpool comedian Tom Pepper has sadly passed away....he was a nice guy and used to appear is the song for this week in memory of my mate.