Priorities are Wrong....

Vince Tracy's Podcasts show

Summary: Thousands joined a rally of the fledging VOX party on Sunday, a far-right political party that vows to “defend Spain” from immigration, independence movements and political correctness. Spain's newest party, that was founded in 2013 and has struggled to gain traction on Spain’s political stage, held the rally at Madrid’s Vistalegre stadium where it claimed to be a sellout with 10,000 attendees and a further 3,000 waiting at the doors. MADRID’S High Court today found 85-year-old retired doctor Eduardo Vela guilty of three crimes in Spain’s first “stolen baby” court case. Vela was found the be the perpetrator of child abduction, faking a birth and falsifying birth records related to Ines Madrigal, who is believed to be a ‘stolen baby’. Eduardo Vela will not be convicted despite the facts judges declared the case had “proved beyond a doubt” that Vela was guilty. SICKENING footage has emerged of a young woman being struck by a police baton as she stood between two men having a heated discussion in Spain. The video was captured in Magaluf, Mallorca outside a bar popular with holidaymakers and locals. In July 2012, Spain was struggling through its third straight year of recession sincethe beginning of the crisis in 2008. A staff team from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) wrote a report describing the outlook for the eurozone’s fourth largest economy as “bleak.” But the final document instead used the more neutral “very difficult.” Day after day the local BBC news carries details of murders, shootings and assaults on people in the UK. If all the regional news went out as a national roundup the programme would show the extent and depth of the violent society UK is becoming. However, the BBC News is fast becoming a chat show interrupted by half hourly news bulleting and weather forecasts. It is also brazenly acting as an advertising programme for selected authors and a platform for pushing ways and means to warp normality. The PC quotas are more than obvious and attention to absolute minorities ridiculous. Furthermore, the headlines are overfilled with stupid stories of so-called celebrities and their shenanigans. Writing in the Euroweekly Leapy Lee says, "There is no sense of pride or patriotism in the youngsters of today. The schools are not teaching them our long and often glorious history, or the sacrifices that so many made for them to be lucky enough to live in a society that allows them such freedom and democracy........ The BBC ignored how migration was affecting millions of its viewers, Robert Peston has admitted. ITV’s political editor, who spent nine years at the corporation, accused the BBC of not being impartial and said it had ‘neglected the effect’ the EU was having on British families. ‘I love the BBC but I did feel that during the Brexit campaign they slightly got confused about what impartial journalism meant,’ said Peston, who left the BBC in 2015..........'It is not, in my view, racist to be concerned if the composition of your community changes by something like 10 or 15 per cent over a very small number of years.’ A teenage boy has appeared in court today charged with the rape and attempted murder of a 10-year-old girl. The boy, 16, was arrested after a member of the pub lic found the girl in a 'distressed' state following what police described as a 'shocking' and 'extreme' attack in Exmouth, Devon last Thursday. The owner of a Banksy print worth more than £40,000 has shredded it in a copycat attempt to try and double its value - but has now been told it is worthless.Art experts were contacted by an owner hoping to sell their destroyed Girl With a Balloon print after mimicking the artist's latest stunt