Ep 8 - Amanda Marit - The World Needs More.... Heart

What The World Needs More Of... Podcast show

Summary: Guest: Amanda Marit Age: 31 years old Location: Encinitas, CA Bio: Amanda is a Soul + Business Coach, guide, and intuitive who has empowered and mentored countless women and female entrepreneurs around the world who are here to serve the world massively, know their worth, + receive abundantly. Through her private 1:1 programs, intensive retreats, and group trainings, she is able to help her clients break free of the limits in the mind and connect to INFINITE possibilities through connection to Divine/Universe/Source. Her superpower is tapping into the unshakable confidence, love, and abundance that is already available within the heart. She believes anything and everything is possible through a blend of energetic alignment + getting fired up to take inspired action! The world needs more: 1. Heart 2. Passionate people 3. People pursuing their dreams & believing in themselves WOW factor: My wow factor is being able to passionately express my message in a way that helps inspire others to step into their highest potential. Spending 7 years in Corporate America, I know what it’s like to feel like you’re not living life to the fullest. That moment when I started feeling there was something more out there for me was the moment I truly felt alive -- possibly even for the first time. The idea of a greater experience sparked an entire life transformation. From Corporate Leadership to helping others tap into their souls power and purpose, my life has done a complete 180 over the last 5 years. The most humbling moments can help shape us into who we are meant to be, as we find out how powerful we TRULY are. The moment in my business when I had 5 whole cents left in my bank account, then went out to have a $20,000 month in my business (which sparked many more of those months following that) was one of the most empowering experiences of my life. I could have quit, but the magic was right on the other side. I am SO passionate about teaching this to others who are struggling to grow their missions. Favorite color: Purple