Men and their Hero`s Journey

Sex Is Medicine ~ Intimate conversations about sexuality, spirituality, PLEASURE, and personal growth show

Summary: Devi speaks with author Tony Rezac about his latest book for men. This book was born out of the past 10 years of Tony’s involvement with men’s groups. First with The Mankind Project and, for the past three years, leading his own groups. These groups focus on the core issues and challenges that all men face.<br>Find out: <br>What the motivation was behind Tony writing the book "Body and Soul: The Essential Handbook for Men".<br>The value of these groups? What men get out of participating.<br>Why men`s work important to women.<br>What the role of the Feminine is in the lives of men, What sorts of changes would lead to greater harmony and balance.<br>Some things about men that women need to understand to make their relationships with them more loving and connected.<br>If there is a healthy use of pornography for men. <br><br>The book is based on “front line” notes and observations from our group work. It’s aimed at men who may be interested in “men’s work” but aren’t sure what these groups are like. The book is a chance to listen in on the types of conversations that men have in groups. Hopefully, men will find the conversations and tools useful. And perhaps some readers will look and find for themselves a good men’s group, where men do the important work of growing and creating a vision for themselves and their communities. <br><br>Tony Rezac creates workshops and retreats that assist men in finding and taking their Hero`s Journey. He has led and facilitated men`s groups for the past ten years. He is the author of the men`s book "Body and Soul: The Essential Handbook for Men" and he speaks to groups about healthy masculinity and how the create a more inspiring context in work and in life. He lives in Seattle with his wife Lisa and his son Lucas. <br>You can find his writing and ideas at <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br>Connect with Tony at:<br>Email Address: <a href=""></a><br>Website Address: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>