Is Your Dream Really Possible?

Courage & Clarity show

Summary: <p>Do you ever feel terrified of your big dreams? Scared because if they don’t come true you’ll be devastated?</p> <p>I think we’ve all been there. And lately I’ve heard a common theme around this develop in the C&amp;C community, my Instagram and even with my 1:1 coaching clients. </p> <p>Different versions of this same question, a mindset battle most entrepreneurs face. </p> <p>I hear my clients and community members place conditions on their dreams. They create backup plans and time constraints on their businesses. This energy of not being “all-in” is like telling your business you don’t believe in it 100%</p> <p>When we’re scared our dreams might not come true, we place conditions on them. “I’ll give this ten years to work, or I’ll go back to that career I didn’t really love”. We create backup plans and time constraints on our businesses. This energy of not being “all-in” is like telling your business you don’t believe in it 100%</p> <p>I know with Courage &amp; Clarity that once I committed fully, let go of the “how” and came to terms with the fact that it would be messy and uncomfortable at times - my business transformed!</p> <p>So when you’ve got big dreams, you’ve got to let go of the conditions you put on your dreams and replace them with some faith and trust.</p> <p>Like I’ve talked about so many times on this show before, if you keep showing up, you’ll get whatever you’re dreaming of. I promise, when you’re all in, focus your energy and move forward with steady actions, The Universe will conspire on your behalf. You don’t get to choose the “how” - you just need to show up and believe.</p> <p>I get pretty deep into mindset and energy talk, but don’t worry, I didn’t leave the brass tacks out of this episode.  I’ve included 8 key points for you to consider when going after your dreams.</p> <p>You’ll also hear about an easy and fun tactic that helped me fill the pre-sale of my first course launch and is literally getting results for members of the C&amp;C community right now.</p> <p>I loved recording this episode for you all, as I reflect on my journey to building C&amp;C into what it is today and dreaming of all it will become.</p> <p>By the end of listening to this I want you to not only realize that your dream is possible, but that it’s already on its way to you!</p>