Sabotage: An Intro – Episode 1

WPWI Perspective show

Summary: DISCLAIMER: This podcast is meant to share information, perspectives, and experiences. It does not provide medical advice, and it is not a substitute for advice from your physician or healthcare professional.<br> Sabotage Vs. Living<br> What is self-sabotage?<br> How do I know I am self-sabotaging or just living a moderate lifestyle occasionally???<br> Quick and dirty answer:<br> Moderate Lifestyle = Indulging and making more just moderate lifestyle choices<br> ***moderate lifestyle = the freedom to “just have one serving here and there”***<br> <br> Deciding to eat it knowing the pros and the cons. No emotions!<br> No emotions? Yeah for some people out there this idea of eating moderately not based on emotions seems like a foreign concept!!!<br> Eating with eye wide open<br> Eating without feeding (no pun intended) a negative behavioral feedback loop<br> <br> If it seems like a foreign concept….you are likely "sabotager."<br> Sabotage = “Effit” = Negative Emotion attached<br> <br> "I don’t care”<br> "Don’t talk to me about what I am eating<br> Using food to fix “xyz”....sleep, anger, frustration, sadness, guilt<br> Using food in a maladaptive way<br> Wishing we had more control, association eating with a negative “desire for more control”