Latitude: Welcome Back From Norway

Master Photography show

Summary: Brian and Brent talk about trips to Norway, Sweden and Paris along with a hodge podge of other small topicsTopic 1: BRIAN: Norway, Sweden and Paris<br> More text from Brian goes here<br> Topic 2: BRENT: Hodge Podge of small topics.<br> I’m reading a new book (to me) by Albert Podell. “Around the world in 50 years” covers 50 years of the author’s travels and adventures to every country on earth. Well written and fairly fast paced compared to what I normally read which usually goes into lots of detail on a place or topic.<br> Hunting for a travel tripod. I have a tiny one by Slik that I purchased about 13 years ago. Extremely portable but doesn’t get very tall and not really suited to my 5D4.<br> My Induro carbon fiber is too big for international travel, I don’t like the idea of taking a full-size tripod with me on the plane. I want one that’s smaller.<br> I used a Manfrotto 190go! Aluminum tripod in Croatia. It was fine but wasn’t exactly what I’m looking for. I love the option of the center column being able to come out the top and rotate around. Allows for really low angle or unique tripod positioning. Maybe if I had that idea but just a tad smaller and carbon fiber….<br> But anyway, just know that I’m on the search, I’ll certainly report my findings as I experiment with other gear. And if anyone wants to shoot me a recommendation I’m all ears (I might get more than I bargained for though