S1 Ep 06: Social Media: You’re Doing It Wrong


Summary: Hey Guys! Welcome to Ep. 06 of Business SHET.<br> Social media is a long game and you have to make sure you are doing all the right things in order to grow your following and not be affected by the ever-changing algorithms. Today I share all the things I have learned to do and not do!<br> Article regarding Stats: <a href="https://www.disruptiveadvertising.com/social-media/be-in-the-know-2018-social-media-statistics-you-should-know/">HERE</a><br> Apps I Use: PS Express, VSCO, Adobe Spark Post, Canva, Word swag<br> Actionable to do: Do some social research, download the <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dT_gm05bEgfz_4iW-5JpKkHja_RgVXVR/view?usp=sharing">15 Day Test PDF</a> and work on updating your profile, feel free to send them to me and I will take a look and give feedback if you wish.<br> Email Segment: Talk Your SHET! Email any questions to <a href="mailto:businessshet@gmail.com">businessshet@gmail.com</a><br> Thanks for listening and remember in order for your business to succeed it must be the SHET:  Solve a problem, help them passed their current stage, earn respect, and build trust<br>  –I’m out<br> <br> Facebook <br> Twitter <br> LinkedIn<br> <br> <br>