49. Tarot for the Highly Sensitive Soul with Marcella Kroll

Tarot for the Wild Soul with Lindsay Mack show

Summary: In this episode, I’m welcoming the incredible Marcella Kroll to the Tarot for the Wild Soul Podcast! Marcella is an artist, tarot reader, metaphysical teacher, and the creator of the Sacred Symbols and Nature Nurture Oracle Decks. In this conversation, we dive into Marcella’s experience of being a highly sensitive and psychic child, developing a relationship with Tarot through addiction recovery, and how she’s been able to come home to herself through Tarot, art, and ritual—both personal practice and teaching Tarot to teens at the public library—when she doesn’t feel a sense of belonging anywhere else. In this episode we explore: • The astrological forces at play this week: Mercury has gone direct & Full Moon in Pisces next week (0:25) • Tarot for the Wild Soul course starts in two weeks! (0:56) • Introducing Marcella Kroll (3:53) • How Marcella got started on her path of artistry, Tarot, and magic + being a highly sensitive child (8:01) • Marcella’s relationship with different Tarot decks and oracle decks (19:45) • Teaching teens Tarot at the library (25:07) • Learning and developing boundary work and cord cutting when you are a highly sensitive, open psychic channel (37:18) • The creation of the Sacred Symbols and Nature Nurture Oracle Decks (50:20) • Swimming through a Justice + High Priestess year and navigating The Tower and the Eight of Swords (1:04:09) Find full show notes for this episode: https://wildsoulpodcast.com/blog/alisha-cigalotti-well-tarot Follow Marcella at https://www.marcellakroll.com/ and on Instagram at @marcellakroll To sign up for Lindsay's 8-Week Tarot Course: https://www.lindsaymack.com/tftwscourse ABOUT THE PODCAST Hosted by intuitive tarot reader, holistic counselor and teacher, Lindsay Mack, Tarot for the Wild Soul is a weaving of deep conversations with folks who use Tarot in their lives, channeled energetic offerings, intuitive readings on the months ahead, and mini Tarot lessons. ABOUT LINDSAY Lindsay is an intuitive tarot reader, holistic counselor, teacher and writer based in Brooklyn, NY. She is the founder of Wild Soul Healing and Tarot for the Wild Soul, as well as the host of this podcast. She has been studying and reading Tarot for over 20 years. As a joyful and healthy survivor of childhood abuse & PTSD, Lindsay is passionately dedicated to honoring and helping to bring space, light and healing to those who are experiencing mental, emotional or physical suffering. It is an organic part of her healing work with the Tarot, and she is honored to be sharing these offerings to those who feel called to them. WEBSITE: www.lindsaymack.com INSTAGRAM: @wildsoulhealing MUSIC: www.bensounds.com