Should Small Business Leave Facebook with Jason Falls of Social Media Explorer - Episode 98

Power to the Small Business | Branding / Marketing Plans & Ideas / Social Media / Customer Experience Design / Digital Marketing show

Summary: Jason Falls of Social Media Explorer joins Jay to discuss the news that Facebook is ratcheting back the exposure of content posts from brand pages. Now, as few as 1-2% of your fans will actually see your posts organically. Jason Falls and Jay Ehret discuss:- Is this the end of small businesses using Facebook?- How will brands, both big and small react to this move?- It will not be important to be great at content marketing- Businesses who are proficient in PPC (pay per click) advertsing will have the advantages.- Was there every really such a thing as marketing 2.0?- Advice on how use Facebook now that pay-for-play is required. Get complete show notes and links at the blog website: