Colleen Broomall, Founder YSBnow & Former Child Actor

Hometown To Hollywood w/ Bonnie J Wallace show

Summary: What does a former child actor and pop culture expert have to say about fame, social media, and the entertainment industry? A lot! My guest Colleen Broomall grew up as a child actor on As the World Turns, and has worked in celebrity journalism since the age of 18, including a full time gig as the East Coast correspondent of Tiger Beat, and editor-in-chief at Popstar Magazine. She founded You’re So Beautiful Now, a digital platform for teens, in 2015. She’s been featured in both Forbes and Amy Pohler’s Smart Girls. We discussed her experience as a child actor, social media, pop culture, fame, and much more. Join us! Some of my favorite quotes: “If everything fell into my lap immediately, I would not be where I am.” “Just follow what makes you happy, don’t think about what everyone is going to think.” Know what you want, and be willing to put the work in to do it.” “It’s really important not to compare your journey or yourself with other peoples’.” “Fame is so fleeting. You can’t define your worth and yourself by fame.” “If you’re chasing after fame, you’re chasing the wrong thing.” “Read a lot. Work really hard. And don’t put a timeline on yourself.” There are so many different ways to be in the industry. And they don’t all involve being on camera.” Give yourself time, and have patience. There’s no right or wrong way. It’s about trial and error, and deciding what’s right for you.” “Your favorite celebrity? Their parents get divorced. They deal with anxiety. You’re not alone.” “You’re amazing. And you’re beautiful for who you are. Right now.” Follow Colleen and YSBnow here: Website: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: Colleen’s Instagram: @colleenbroomall