Homesteading for Beginners: Start with Why - Part 1

Small Scale Life show

Summary: <p>As I drove through southern Minnesota this week, I saw a lot of great farms and homesteads on my journey.  Some of these folks lived on Century Farms (100-year old family farms) while others were just starting to homestead.</p> <p>My friend Jay and I can relate to those new homesteaders: we both purchased properties in 2018.  We want to create new homesteads on our respective properties, and we figured it would be great to talk with someone who actually had a homestead and was further down the rabbit hole on this journey.</p> <p>Fortunately, I know a few people who do some great things due to this little podcast and blog!  I called on my friend Captain Lumbersquatch Greg Burns, and he agreed to bring his contrarian perspective (and jar full of fermented goodness) to the discussion.</p> <p>For more information, show notes and links to other podcasts and information, check out the post on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Small Scale Life!</a></p>