#164: Discussing Serverless with Symphonia.io and Serverless Inc.

The New Stack Analysts show

Summary: Serverless computing and functions as a service are both growing in appeal for enterprises, but there are still many questions about how they fit into a standard business environment. For a start, how do you manage your dependencies in a serverless environment? How are applications, themselves, tracked and managed over time? And how do the various serverless and fucntions-as-a-service offerings handle in real world enterprise use cases? To find the answers to these questions and more, we sat down with Mike Roberts, partner at Symphonia.io and Austen Collins, Founder and CEO of Serverless, Inc. Together, they've got front row seats into how business application developers and administrators are utilizing serverless technologies today. One of the big topics of discussion, however, still focuses on where these functions will live: in the cloud, or in Kubernetes?