Using Occasions To Sustain Deeper Consumer Engagement

PSFK's PurpleList show

Summary: <p>Listen as PSFK President of Research &amp; Strategy Scott Lachut and Strategist Penn Whaling explain how brands are evolving from centering their marketing around very specific or holiday-focused moments to concentrating their efforts on forming deeper connections with consumers, instead catering to their lifestyles and identities. <a href="">The Occasion-Based Marketing Debrief</a> shows how today’s retailers are sustaining on-going connections through engaging with the needs and passions of particular consumers rather than one-off occasions.<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-176241651" src="" alt="" width="1000" height="668"></p> <p>The <a href="">debrief</a> comprises core insights from PSFK’s research, highlighting major pillars through which brands can speak to the identities of their customers, using their particular needs and interests as opportunities for engagement as opposed to relying on traditional holidays or moments.</p> <hr> <p><em>Lead image: <a href="">young people enjoying a home party</a> stock photo from g-stockstudio/Shutterstock</em></p>