Saving the planet by nurturing our kids' creativity

Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond show

Summary: Jane Hanckel is a mother, author and co-founder of Inspired Education about how we as parents can foster our children's development to meet the immense challenges of our times. Jane quotes the World Economic Forum's (2016) findings that the qualities we need to nurture in our children are creativity, collaboration and emotional intelligence and that the current education system does not do that. Instead, there are things we as parents can do at home to keep these innate aspects of our humanity alive, through unstructured play, time in nature, nourishing food and family relationships. Jane also cites research that has found that our investment in time and energy in fostering these qualities sets our children's health up for life. <br><br>Jane Hanckel, co-founder: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br>Presenter: Sally Cusack<br>First aired on BayFM Byron Bay on 2 July 2018.<br>Copyright: PBB Media, Sally Cusack 2018<br><br>References:<br>* Bruno Bettelheim "The Good Enough Parent"<br>* Fewer Toys Study: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br>* Gonski Report (importance of tailoring education to individuals): <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br>* NASA study by George Land and Beth Jarman about the impacts of education on our creativity: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br>Other references: <br><br>* Nancy Carlsson-Paige "Taking Back Childhood"<br>* Professor James Heckman on importance of support for children and their parents in the early years for lifelong health: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br>* Nature Play NSW, Qld and other Australian states<br><br>Image: Greg Rakozy on