[REBROADCAST] Subject Pronouns in Spanish (Personal Pronouns)

The Spanish Dude Podcast (Audio) show

Summary: The biggest mistake I’ve made since starting Gringo Español is… swearing in my early videos. <br> I always bleeped it out, but anybody with half a brain knew what I said.<br> The truth is, I never imagined in a million years that real teachers would be showing my videos in their classes.<br> Once I learned this (about a year ago) I ceased all swearing immediately. <br> But now I’ve gone through every video, and for the ones with any swearing, I made CLEAN VERSIONS.<br> All the videos (and audios) on the new Spanish Quickie Podcast contain only the clean versions. <br> So the podcasts have absolutely zero swearing. Not even censored.<br> <a href="https://spanishdude.com/podcast/">https://spanishdude.com/podcast/</a><br> Now I’m going back and uploading one clean version at a time to YouTube and the website.<br> Today’s video is one of the first videos I ever made. Back when I was still ironing letters on my shirt =)<br> Even though I mistakenly call them “personal pronouns” several times, this video is all about subject pronouns specifically.<br> Pronouns are actually pretty confusing in Spanish.<br> Verb conjugation usually gets most of the attention. <br> But I remember when I started, pronouns caused me way more stress.<br> So before you get into the harder pronouns (direct/indirect/double/reflexive) it’s important you get off on the right foot.<br> And that starts with…. subject pronouns. <br> <a href="https://spanishdude.com/quickies/subject-pronouns/?podcast">Click here for any links mentioned in this episode or for related episodes.</a><br>