FL 196 – We help Marcy with content and marketing strategies to grow her email list

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> Do you find yourself holding back from taking the next step because you’re terrified it might not work?<br> <br> Maybe you’ve seen other people do it and you’re pretty sure you can do it too, but sometimes there’s just this weird nagging feeling that’s weighing you down.<br> <br> Well, we’ve been there before too (most entrepreneurs do)!<br> <br> We struggled with confidence issues, wrestled with mindset hurdles, and we definitely didn’t know everything we do now.<br> <br> The thing is, we are where we are because we took action.<br> <br> Because if you want to do something so bad, then you would go out there and do what it takes to go after it, learn it, and make it happen.<br> <br> We have the perfect guest to share their journey to show you what’s possible when you put yourself out there!<br> <br> This week’s guest is Flip Your Life community member, Marcy Travis.<br> <br> Marcy is a 60 years young, married empty-nester, who lives in very rural town much like ours. Marcy and her super supportive husband have 3 adult children together, and 3 wonderful grandchildren. <br> <br> She had recently retired from her 21 years of service in the employment sector but finds her greatest passion pursuing her coaching career online.<br> <br> As a Certified Career Coach, she helps her clients identify their strengths, reframe their ideas and perspective so they can focus on finding a practical action plan that will allow them to achieve their career goals.<br> <br> Marcy has been steadily growing her content for 4 years and has been working on turning her passion project into a reliable source of income to supplement her retirement and give her the freedom to travel with her family.<br> <br> She has already found some success with a few members, but now it’s time to take that next step and grow her community.<br> <br> Join us as we give her insight on how she can grow her email list and how to implement marketing strategies even if she’s not what she calls “Sales-y.”<br> <br> Time to mine for nuggets of wisdom, so don’t miss this episode, y’all!<br> <br> [Tweet "If you put yourself out there to the world, the universe will answer back. - Shane"]<br> <br> [Tweet "The numbers don't lie. - Jocelyn"]<br> <br> [Tweet "Every time you move to the next level, you almost have to relearn how to be a new kind of business owner. - Shane"]<br> <br>  <br> You Will Learn:<br> <br> Things you can do to grow your email list<br> Different avenues to get your name in front of your audience<br> Marketing strategies you can implement on your site<br> Plus so much more!<br> <br> [Tweet "If you’re scared doing new things, try doing things differently in ways that would work for you. - Jocelyn"]<br> <br> [Tweet "If you're determined and make a commitment to do it, you'll find a way. - Jocelyn"]<br> <br> [Tweet "Be overt, be open, let people know you have something for sale. - Shane"]<br> Links and resources mentioned in today’s show:<br> <br> <a href="https://www.marcytravis.com/discover-your-best-work-membership/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Marcy’s Membership Site</a><br> <a href="http://flippedlifestyle.com/flipyourlife" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Flip Your Life community</a><br> <br> Enjoy the podcast; we hope it inspires you to explore what’s possible for your family!<br> <br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/flipped-lifestyle-podcast/id902645131?mt=2" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click here to leave us an iTunes review</a> and subscribe to the show!<br> <br> We may even read yours on the air! ?<br> <br> <br> <br> Success Story of the Week:<br> <br> <br> We got an awesome success story this week from one of our Flip Your Life community moderators, Kathy Martin!<br> <br> For those of you who don't know,