FL 205 – Lead Magents + Opt-ins + Hotdogs? (Q&A w/ S&J)

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&amp;A w/ S&amp;J!<br> <br> In the <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/flipyourlife" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Flip Your Life Community</a>, we hold a members-only Q&amp;A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air!<br> <br> This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&amp;As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Grill the hotdogs!" - Shane<br> <br> This is an actual online business advice for one of today's featured questions. Listen in and find out why it's important.<br> <br> <br> <br> Today’s Q&amp;A highlights answer the following questions: <br> <br> * "I wanted to ask your opinion about my lead magnets. I came up with three lead magnets and plan to choose one from the list below and record the training video or write an ebook. Which one do you like better? I feel option 1 and 2 provide a lot of value even for a paid content.1. Questions to ask during the first three dates to see if you could be a good match to find your dream husband in short time.<br> 2. Ice breakers and questions to ask during the first date to find your dream husband in short time.<br> 3. Tips on clearing your mind and lifting your spirit to find your dream husband in short time.<br> <br> - Svetlana<br> <br> <br> * "I have a question about my lead magnet and opt-in sequence. Currently, the lead magnet is a set of 6 short science videos about one topic, which would be equivalent to one lesson plan. I’m wondering if six videos is too much information for them to process in the first email. Should I give them just the first video as the lead magnet, and then divide the rest into two follow-up emails? Also, for the WOW bonus, they’re getting 4 sets of video lessons (4 topics; each has 6 short videos). Should I give away this much? Or change it to one set of video lessons about one topic (which would be 6 short videos)?"<br> <br> -  Jennifer<br> <br> <br> * "Please help me figure out how to start! I really want to teach parents how to use audio books and read alouds to make parenting easier and why how books trump technology. I want to teach them how using the right books can help make parenting easier because of bonding, character building, and getting to tackle important issues with their child through fiction. Is this even a good idea? I am struggling with the pain point and if people are searching for a solution. I am thinking the symptoms are disconnection, feeling too busy, feeling like you are failing as a parent, using screens to keep kids busy, etc. Can you help me get see a direction to go with this?"<br> <br> - Danae<br> <br> <br> * "My question today is about free Facebook content and lead magnets. I do understand the aspirin and vitamin analogy but I'm still struggling with what to giveaway in social media, and lead magnets, what to give away in e-mail and what to hold for paying customers only for my particular industry. I get more diet related questions from people than anything, yet the workouts/personal training are what I consider the core of my memberships."<br> <br> - Carla<br> You can also watch this episode on <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/youtube" target="_blank" rel="noopener">our YouTube channel</a>:<br> <a dir="ltr" title="FL 205 Lead Magents + Opt ins + Hotdogs? (Q&amp;A w/ S&amp;J)" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZXuaGcdseQ">FL 205 Lead Magents + Opt ins + Hotdogs? (Q&amp;A w/ S&amp;J)</a><br> Get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! <br> <br> – <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/free" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://flippedlifestyle.com/free</a><br> <br> <br> <br>