TAS 519: 5 Steps to Earning Extra Revenue with NO NEW Products ($3k Example)

The Amazing Seller show

Summary: What if there was a way for you to create a new income stream and validate new product ideas? Sounds too good to be true, right? It’s not! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he explains how sellers like you can leverage a blog to feature products that appear on Amazon. This is by no means, a get rich quick scheme. If you want to make this opportunity work, you’ve got to put in the hard work and follow Scott’s helpful five-step process. To find out what it takes to get started with this venture, make sure to catch this helpful episode! <br> Become an affiliate for Amazon &amp; Clickbank!<br> A great way to earn revenue on your blog is to feature products from Amazon and digital product from Clickbank that line up with the general theme or focus of your brand and blog. In order for this to succeed, you’ve got to be able to create engaging content that your target audience will connect with. Don’t miss this simple way to create an additional revenue stream by linking to traditional and digital products! Learn more about this whole process from Scott by listening to this engaging episode of The Amazing Seller, you don’t want to miss it! <br> Optimize your blog post content! <br> If you are ready to start putting time and energy into building up a blog so that you can receive income from affiliate links, you’ve got to start working on optimizing your blog and its contents. How will people find you? What keywords will you use? How can you connect with other blogs and come up with a partnership? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he explains how sellers like you can start optimizing your blog so the right people can find it and engage with your content. Don’t leave it all up to guesswork and chance! Learn more by listening to this exciting episode!<br> Leverage your email list to drive traffic. <br> If you’ve been around the TAS community for very long, you know that Scott is BIG on sellers creating their own email list to connect with their target audience. Have you built your email list yet? What’s holding you back? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott goes over a great use for your email list and how it can help you make money without a product to sell! Scott explains that you can utilize your email list to drive traffic and hopefully affiliate sales through your blog post. Again, it’s helpful to make sure that the content you are driving your followers to provides value and connects with your brand. Learn more about this important topic from Scott by listening to this episode! <br> Use the sales data to validate product ideas! <br> Wouldn’t you love to make money while you used the market to validate product ideas for your brand? Of course, you do! Is that amazing scenario even possible? What does it look like? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott shares how he and his team have used this strategy of analyzing the sales from their blog to drill down into niche product ideas. You can use this same strategy to see which products your target audience is attracted too and then go to work on your next product idea! It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that! Get more helpful tips and insights like this one from Scott by listening to this episode! <br> OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER<br> <br> [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast!<br> [4:00] How signing up for Amazon Associates works. <br> [7:00] Scott launches into the 5 steps you can use today! <br> [10:00] How to feature links to digital products on your blog. <br> [13:00] Driving traffic to your blog. <br> [15:00] Using your email list to drive traffic to your blog. <br> [18:30] Look at the data you’ve created with your posts. <br> [20:00] Scott recaps all 5 steps. <br> [22:30] Buying a site or blog that aligns with your brand. <br> [27:00] Closing thoughts from Scott.<br> <br>