TAS 534: 5 Lead Magnet Offers to Build Your Email List and Attract BUYERS

The Amazing Seller show

Summary: What does it take to create lead magnet offers that appeal to your target audience? How do you build off of that offer and use an email list to grow your ecommerce brand? Where do you even start? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he provides five lead magnet offers that sellers like you can use to start your email list and attract the right buyers you need for your brand. You don’t have to leave it all up to guesswork! Find out how you can create compelling lead magnet offers by listening to this helpful episode, you don't’ want to miss it! <br> Why build an email list? <br> Is building an email list really worth all the trouble? Can it really serve as a valuable asset as you build your ecommerce business? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott breaks down why email list building is so important and why sellers like you shouldn’t skip this important step. The primary reason why Scott is such a huge fan of email list building is due to the fact that he’s seen it work! In multiple test runs and in his own brand, Scott has seen the impact a well-constructed email list can have for an ecommerce brand. If you are ready to take the dive and find out how you can start building an email list today, make sure to catch this episode! <br> Launch a giveaway contest. <br> You’ve heard the old saying, “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar,” right? The same goes for people too! If you want to connect with your target audience, a great way to do that is by offering them a sweet deal. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott explains how you can craft a giveaway contest that appeals to your target audience. A great tip that Scott provides on creating a great contest is making sure that your prize is something that is valuable to your audience. It would do you no good to offer a $200 sewing machine in a contest for bass fishermen! Learn more from Scott’s expert perspective on list building and giveaway contests by listening to this episode! <br> Feature an ebook or PFD guide. <br> Let’s face it, just about everyone knows what they aren’t an expert in! That’s why we often seek out the wisdom and advice of people who have been where we want to go. This same logic applies to your target audience! If you want to connect with your audience and provide them with something that is valuable, an ebook or a PDF guide is a great way to draw them in. If you are targeting the bass fisherman market, a great way to appeal to that audience is to offer an ebook that explains how to improve your form and get better results. There are so many great applications for this strategy! Learn more from Scott and how you can use this option and many others to connect with your target audience by listening to this episode! <br> Take action! <br> Too often highly motivated and energetic business people get overwhelmed by the large variety of options that are available. Has that ever happened to you? What is the solution? How do you cut through the noise and find a clear-cut path toward where you need to go? One way to silence all the noise and get moving is to just pick an option and start moving in that direction. If things don’t work out, it’s not failure, it’s a useful lesson! The last thing you want to do is look back a year from now and see no movement. Follow Scott’s wise words and pick a direction to start moving, take action today! <br> OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER<br> <br> [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast!<br> [2:45] Why should you build an email list? <br> [11:30] Create a contest to connect with your audience. <br> [16:00] Feature a PDF guide or an Ebook. <br> [19:00] Offer a video series on your niche category.<br> [21:20] Make a checklist for your audience and create a free plus shipping offer. <br> [24:40] Scott recaps all 5 lead magnet offers. <br> [28:00] Action steps you can take today!