Finis Jhung Ballet Series Podcast 5


Summary: The Finis Jhung Ballet Technique Level 2 Barrework for Advanced Beginners Exercise 3: Battement tendu à la seconde Finis shows the exercise and then it is demonstrated and coached with these Teaching Points: Always practice on a barre in front of the mirror. Learn to see what you feel and feel what you see so you work for maximum effectiveness. Before you move the free foot to battement tendu, shift your weight to the supporting foot. Keep your body squared to the barre: shoulders and hips parallel with the barre. Keep both arms stretched out in 2nd position, and press down firmly on the barre with both hands. Align the tendu correctly: slide your foot where your toes point from 1st position. Work the tendu: push the floor away and pull it you as you close. To strengthen your turn-out and balance, practice off the barre. Remember that dancing is movement, not static positioning. HOW do you get to the position? Use the port de bras to balance. Kelley Waddell of The American Ballet Theatre demonstrates while Finis stands by and coaches.